You're My Favorite Place To Go...
when my mind searches for peace. Credits Props & Poses WetCat-Heat III Junk Food-PeekABoo Presents Rezz Room-Chihuahua Sleeping Rezz...
You're My Favorite Place To Go...
I Wish That Every Outfit I Liked On Instagram...
A Gentleman Attracts The Attention of Many...
Christmas Isn't a Season...
Happiness Is...
It Always Hurts...
My Moon Doesn't Steal the Night...
There is No "WE..."
Yay Monday...!
She Wears All Black Just Like Her Soul...
Fight Like a Girl...
Good Friends Help You Find Important Things When You've Lost Them...
Music is Expression of Harmony in Sound...
We Travel, Not to Escape Life...
Don't Look for a Partner who is Eye Candy...
She Reads Books As One Would Breathe Air...
In the Midst of Movement & Chaos...
I Pretend That Coffee Helps...
Has Anyone Ever Told You...
I'm In The Mood For Pizza...